Hello there……welcome to my blog. My name is Maria and I am your typical stay-at-home mom who likes to keep a clean house, cook delicious meals and love my family as much as possible. Somewhat typical yes, but am ordinary? Do I have an ordinary house? NO WAY! Hence, I am no ordinary woman just a woman of many titles!
Well, in this, my first blog I will start to explain my many titles…..firstly, I am a Cuban woman which right from the start alerts you that I am very stubborn, opinionated, and argumentative BUT also a very loyal, hard-working, and kind woman who loves to make people happy with my cooking. Secondly, I’m married to a wonderful man whom I’ll call, Mi Capitan (means My Captain in English – how this name started is a whole other story.) He is a great man…..a spectacular father, a very loving and virile husband, an exceptional creative art director and super patient with his family—Oh, I almost forgot…..he’s from the luscious land of Ecuador which right from the start alerts you that he’s soft spoken, calm, loves Mother Earth and is a hot-blooded macho man! Just in case you’re not getting it yet….I’m a high-strung Cuban woman and my husband is a calm Ecuadorian macho….lots of stories to follow, believe me.
Thirdly, I am mother to two beautiful children—Julian, a thoughtful, kind teenager who’s not so into school (yet!) but totally into screaming at his mic while playing Xbox games – Oh, and he takes after me…intense, opinionated and loves to argue (no quiet household here!)
Tatiana, on the other hand, takes after her father….quiet and calm – she’s a captivating pre-teen who does love school and the family computer! Oh and did I mention she’s a pre-teen? Stories to come here, too!
And fourthly (I can go on, but I might lose you, the reader, so I’ll stop at four) I am a caretaker to my parents who moved in with us almost one year ago. My parents, Fernando (aka Abuelo) and Odecta (aka Abuela) are quite a pair. Where do you think I got all the intensity and the need to be opinionated from? Well, in the blogs to come you’ll slowly understand.
I have started this blog as an outlet for me. For months now I have spent most nights with my computer on my lap reading other people’s blog. Some have the most inviting and descriptive writings of their lives and others just write about their everyday. I hope to be a combination of both. Oh, and there will be some delicious dishes photographed and explained all the time on my blog…..I want to make you and your bellies happy!
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